Welcome to the downloads page. All downloads work fine on my computer. Please do not put them up for download on your own site without permission. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to ask, [email protected]
Diluted Calico: Nothing super complex, just the OG calico file with black changed to blue, orange to cream, eye lids black, and nose pink. Picture shows 2-3rd gen purebreds bred with the file and 1st gens Calico OW - P4, P5, Unibreed
Red Calico: Nothing super complex, just the OG calico file with Orange changed to red, eye lids black, and nose color change. Picture shows 2-3rd gen purebreds bred with the file and 1st gens Calico OW - P4, P5, Uni
Chocolate Calico: Nothing super complex, just the OG calico file with black changed to brown, eye lids black, and nose color change. Picture shows 2-3rd gen purebreds bred with the file and 1st gens Calico OW - P4, P5, Uni
Chocolate Red Calico: Nothing super complex, just the OG calico file with black changed to brown & orange to red, eye lids black nose color change. Picture shows 2-3rd gen purebreds bred with the file and 1st gens Calico OW - P4, P5, Uni
Dilute Chocolate Calico: Nothing super complex, just the OG calico file with black changed to dust & orange to cream, eye lids black, and nose color change Picture shows 2-3rd gen purebreds bred with the file and 1st gens Calico OW - P4, P5, Uni
LTPs were created by Rafa. And with permission I made some mods. You can find the originals at Matador.
Hexing Base is a very loose term here. The file was originally hexed some time between '09-'11 and has horrible movements. I have no intention of fixing this file but there are so few monkey files out there I thought I'd offer it up to the collective to download and fix up or hex as they would like. Released: 14 Dec. 2023 Funkey Monkey Lab Unibreed
Textures based off stain color samples! Some of the files are close enough to one other that they may as well be identical in game. Feel free to edit and play with however. Here's the zip.
Hats Hexed by Buck
THESE ARE NOT FROM ME! These lovely hatz were hexed by Buck for my birthday 2019. With her permission I am posting them for anyone else who may need more clothes for boy petz. You can find more of Buck's clothes on her thread on DG, on WW, and on RKC. Download the hats!
THIS IS NOT FROM ME! This lovely hat was hexed by Buck for Speckle the dalmatian on PUGs. With her permission I am posting it for anyone else who may want it. You can find more of Buck's clothes on her thread on DG, on WW, and on RKC. Download the hat!
THIS IS NOT FROM ME! These lovely Antennae were hexed by Buck for Splat the dalmatian on PUGs. With her permission I am posting them for anyone else who may want it. You can find more of Buck's clothes on her thread on DG, on WW, and on RKC. Download the Antennae!
THIS IS NOT FROM ME! These lovely treats were hexed by Buck as a request from me. With her permission I am posting them for anyone else who may want them. You can find Buck's clothes on her thread on DG, on WW, and on RKC. Download the STCH Treat Box!
For anyone who wants to have awards on their shows here is my GIMP template. Feel free to add or take away whatever you like. How I use it: I create a transparent layer above the background to ad something to make my background interesting. All my shows are always numbered 1-whatever and the number starts over depending on where the show was held. So Shade's EBW Catz Show #1 with RKC down in the corner is different than Shade's EBW Catz Show #1 with PHA at the bottom. Feel free to add any forums I don't include because I'm not involved in the show ring there. I hide all layers not used so I don't always have to re-type everything. I keep Spook as a bookmark for where I am putting the show picture, his picture is hidden on every award.
I noticed a pattern when I was breeding full tree, non-inbred petz. And I found a formula! Then I decided to see if there was one for how many ancestors are in a tree of these petz too. Now I know not many in the community are math geeks like me so rather than just giving the formulas to every one I made an excel sheet that does it for me. I took it to generation 100 however using the top row, quick look up, you can type any number into the cell above the first column, Generation, and above each column will appear the numbers for that generation. The first column is the generation, pretty self explanatory, what generation of pet you want. The second column is the number of petz you need from the AC to have a full tree, non-inbred pet for that generation. The third column is the number of ancestors a pet will have if they are full tree excluding the pet in question. The forth column is the same as the third plus the pet in question and that formula was provided by Jinja on PKC. Download Table