January -
17th added a wildz pose guide
June -
17th - first texture collection at NSP posted!
April -
5th - New calico recolor OWs and the petz trading cards are updated! Got some new ones to collect!
4th - New calico OW uploaded!
March -
29 - Updated some of the WILDZ crew! Don't forget there are some wildz adoptions too
26 - CRAM HAS HIS OWN PAGE! As it always should have been.
23 - Great Easter Egg hunt is up! Watch out for the old eggs. I believe they've gone rotten.
December -
14 - Updated my archive! Also uploaded Funkey Monkey to the downloads.
November -
10 - Amanti's, the home of NSP Huskies, Mals, and Sammies is now officially up! Fully updated(probably the only sub crew site that is) FINALLY!
May -
7 - Got some calicos up on my Crew page. The GREAT EASTER EGG HUNT! is now over as well...but maybe you should check out if anything was left behind?
April -
4 - GREAT EASTER EGG HUNT! There's a new hidden egg...maybe you'll find the old one too though?
February -
17 - uploaded the Alpaca and Llama LTP mods
December -
23 - Added some new dogz litterz
16 - Added a new type of Petzphernalia, Bubble Gum Wrappers! And Bottle Caps
October -
28 - A new stamp added to random stamps, adoptions updated, and check out my archive!
9 - Bunnyz crew is updated. Pokepetz stamps are no longer findable, you can now find the Bunnyz '22 stamps!
September -
22 - Added a new play scene/Playpen wallpaper to the downloads!
July -
27 - The easter egg hunt hidden page has been updated, no longer has the easter hunt prizes available but there is something still there if you can find it. The 2022 Summer Olympics scavenger hunt hidden rewards are up too.
April -
29 - Fixed some links on the tutorial page, added a forum show petz crew section
25 - New adoptions up
24 - added some links to the front page because why not
4 - Updated my wildz crew and there are more adoptions up, including a hybrid litter!
8 - minor updates to collected stamps and trading cards page, minor layout update, NEW Trading cards to be collected!
26 - New Stamps added, new Trading Cards added, and 2 new stamp find it!
10 - Updated the adoptions! 3 new lab litterz!
23 - Updated adoptions and stamps
15 - Updated petzaphernalia pages - Stamps, PTC, quilts, and misc pictures.
18 - Updated NSP Adoptions! We have some Hybridz now!
17 - Released NSP Adoptions
14 - Added SCPs to download!
28 - Updated my LTP pages, new LTP mod up for download!
20 - Updated my Wildz crew a bit, added a new crew site
1 - Got a new site added in, cleaned up links and removed PUGs adoptions.
13 - Uploaded some new cards!
12 - Uploaded a bunny breedfile for download
22 - Uploaded a treat box hexed by Buck!
11 - Updated downloads, corrected a few typos, changed some pages to make it easier to navigate(hopefully) added another BUCK hat to downloads!
27 - Updated petzies, Petz Trading cards, and stamps!
6 - Updated the PTC!
29 - updated a new tutorial, simple hex painting.
9 - Updated stamps, new hidden set, and updated petzies
2 - Added some hats Buck hexed me(with permission) for download!
9 - Updated my crew, new stamps up(still the DG find me group though will hopefully be updating those sometime this month.)
23 - Updated my archive
8 - Opened an adoption site! A rescue specifically, updates on adoptions going up and down will be found there.
5 - Added a Tutorial on Brexing!
30 - Updating the Petzphernalia section
3 - Added LTP mods, updated crew a bit
6 - Added a show Award Template!
19 - Added some more petz to my crew
14 - Added an adoptions record page and a page for the OWs I have. The OWs is not fully up-to date and the Adoptions records do not have any old adoptions.
25 - More domestic catz added
23 - updated Stamps page, added Titan's gameplay(finally), new stamp set! Both bunniez and LTPs now retired
16 - domestic hexed catz, Alleys, Oshies, B+Ws, and Calies updated
28 - Updated the LTPs adopted out page on the farm substie
8 - changed up the Misc. section. petzaphernalia now has it's own section with subcategories. Added bases on some too.
18 - added more petz onto the petz 5 crew.
17 - Added another Sub site, Amanti's, focused on CK huskies for now. May add other breeds later.
13 - Added a new stamps page! More information on that page, have started re-organizing my PKC crew. And we now have find-its!
1 - Updated my crew a bit, still missing petz but there are more there. Updated the links page, all links should be current and active, also a HUGE change. I'm no longer handling adoptions through my site, you can now find adoptions either in my PUGs shop or through forums.
25- We all knew I was horrible at updates. PKC crew is updated(I may still be missing a couple and have some pending regs), new PKC standard Dachshund litter, more petz added to the PKC grab bagz. Updated pugz shop. I've updated my crew overall since last time but it has once again become outdated in that some of the petz I have aren't up. Someday I will have it fully updated.
7- Updated domestic crew, added more to the wildz crew, Started on naturally raising crew, adoptions are up to date. Updated Archive. Projects are all current I just need to add pictures of them. PKC crew is out of date, probably will be until the site is back.
30- It's official, we have no completely left Webs and are now on weebly. Everything is transferred now it's just a matter of updating outdated information and adding new things. I'm working on the links page now
29- Nearly done transferring it! I'm still missing a handful of my wildz, and I have quite a few petz that I need to add as an update, but I'm making progress. Also added a couple catz litterz and singlez as well as grab bagz.
18- working on transferring from webs to weebly, have been since Febuary, which is why adoptions haven't been moved around, new added, ect like they should have. I have completed moving my domestic crew over and will be starting on wildz/fantasy shortly. PKC crew also received a re-model.
10- I'm adding a PKC crew site, updated adoptions
21- Going to be adding a separate site just for my pure bred PKC petz. So they have all been removed from my crew...which is once again missing nearly 20 or so petz. Not including the PKC petz. My mixies will remain on my crew even if they are in PKC simply because I breed/show them differently than I do the pure breeds.
27- Adoptions have been updated, still only catz, and Updated the crew.
4- Added a new page, NightShade's Adoptions. Some Catz Litterz up. Look for more soon.
3- Updated crew, 100% up to date now as of this update. Tested form for breeding requests and it appears to be working now.
21- Updated my breeding projects! I'm starting a new one on shortie pit dalies.
20- Crew mostly updated, a couple are still missing but for the most part it's fully updated.
12- Archive is updated.
6-Crew is up to date.
2- There is a litter up for adoption, more soon(hopefully), Crew is fully updated as off 12 pm MST. I also added a litterz request page on the main crew!
23- Okay so 1- if you look at the adoptions you will notice there are none. I got rid of all the ones there. They will eventually end up in grab bags, they were not deleted so don't worry. 2nd updated my crew, 2 catz and 30-50 dogz I think? Anyways it is up to-date as of today. Until I get more petz. Also got a find it award.
23- Added a link to my PKC account. Also added a breeding project link. I'm working on getting the Labs up, then the bullies. Also added an About page
20- Okay so 1st of all I'm removing my Duke's Group site. I'm not leaving the group itself but having the pages on my site is just too much work and is taking the fun out of it for me. 2nd my crew is now 100% up to date again. I found a folder full of pitz for my petz 5 game and added them to NSPitz. Look for a litter or two up soon for P5, possibly P4, and definite crew expansion for the whole P4 and the PitBullTerrier, BDK Amstaff, and Staffordshire bullterrier on P5. Within the next couple days the petz trading card page will be updated as since some changes to it have been made. Also added a new link. Will be starting a couple breeding projects soon so look forward to litters on RDBA and maybe forums as well.
16- Moved all updates for all sites to here, moved links page, updated DG
9- Started Pit site back up
5- New Litter
24- Added 2 litterz
8- added new adoption
18- added new Baby, Iris.
14- added new page for play dates for Babyz
13- Added new singles
23- New single up
20- More pictures of Jamie up, including banner for MMW pageant, bloopers, and award for Tough Cookie Pageant on Milk. Also added my new Baby Ian, pictures of him and him with Jamie.
19- Added more pictures of Jamie, including pictures for spring time pageant, tomboy pageant, MMW pageant, the bloopers for them, and some random goofing off pictures.
15- Babyz site Started!
10- added 2 new litterz
31- Updated crew, added new hex to archive, added more adoptions, finished Peace and Joy's game plays
25- added 2 new litterz of aussies
12- Added game play's pages.
17- rearanged all litters, got rid of litters with only a few left, combined some litters, turned others into singles, also added day petz were born to their description.
3- Finished crew!
11- Decided crew will only be p4 since I don't really play p5 too much any more
20- added 2 new catz litters
1- got rid of shelter, all petz were sent to OKC
5- added litter of muttlies
23- added a new CKBC litter
6- re-arranging crew, it is unavailable right now.
12- started with P5 Dogz
22- all P5 catz up
8- Some P5 catz crew up
27- Began remolding, NightShade's, added updates and crew
Pft...no update page so who knows what I was doing.